Legitimate Medieval Names for Game Character

In general any name found in a Medieval context would be acceptable. The following examples are not exhaustive, just representative. Also, remember that there are linguistic variations for many of these words: Thus, William in English, Guglielmo in Italian, Guillermo in Spanish, Liam in Irish, and so forth.

Female: Ame, Anne, Annette, Beatrice, Blanche, Catherine, Clare, Eleanor, Elena, Elizabeth, Giovanna, Isabelle, Jeanne, Juana, Louise, Margaret, Marguerite, Maria, Marie, Mary, Mary Elizabeth, Philippa.

Male: Adam, Ademar, Aimery, Aimone, Alain, Albert, Alexander, Alexandre, Alfonse, Alfonso, Alois, Alond, Amoury, Andre, Antoine, Arnaldo, Arnaud, Arnaut, Arnold, Aurelie, Aycardus, Baldwin, Barthol, Bartholomew, Benedict, Beraud, Bernabo, Bernard, Bertrand, Bodo, Boucherd, Carcie-Arnout, Carlo, Carlos, Cesar, Charles, Claude, Clement, Connor, Cosimo, David, Denis, Dinus, Edgar, Edmund, Edward, Engelbert, Enguerrand, Enrique, Ernauton, Espan, Etienne, Eudes, Eustance, Felix, Foucaud, Francesco, Francis, Frank, Gaston, Gaucher, Gautier, Geoffrey, George, Georges, Gerald, Gerloch, Gershon, Giacomo, Gigo, Gilbert, Gilles, Giovanni, Giroud, Gracien, Groynyn, Gruffyd, Guasbert, Guedon, Guglielmo, Guichard, Guichart, Guillaume, Guy, Hal, Heinrich, Henri, Henry, Herve, Hue, Hugh, Huguelin, Hugues, Humbert, Humphrey, Iacopo, Ian, Ingelram, Irad, Istfan, Itan, Jack, Jacob, Jacques, Jaime, James, Jaun, Jean, Jeanne, Jesus, John, Jomo, Jonzac, Joseph, Joshua, Joyeuse, Juan, Karl, Karlito, Kendal, Lapurd, Laurence, Liam, Lionel, Lons, Lorenc, Loudeac, Louhans, Louis, Lucchino, Ludwig, Malachais, Marc, Mastino, Mathieu, Maurice, Max, Mortimer, Nicholas, Norman, Obizzo, Odo, Oleg, Oliver, Olivier, Orian, Othe, Owain, Owen, Pablo, Padre, Paolo, Pascal, Pasqual, Pedro, Percy, Peter, Petrus, Philippe, Pierre, Pierre Roger, Ralph, Raniero, Raoul, Raymond, Reginald, Regnaut, Renard, Richard, Robert, Roger, Roland, Sean, Seifried, Simon, Simone, Sohier, Stephen, Sylvestre, Tannequy, Teodoro, Thierry, Thomas, Toby, Tomas, Tomaso, Tristan, Umberto, Wachter, Walderon, Waleron, Wauthier, William, Yvain.

Most names had interesting histories, as the examples of saint's names below demonstrate (the "V" indicates a virgin martyr)..

Rolendis (V). Her life is a hagiographic romance of the 12th century. According to the current legend, she was the daughter of a Gallic king, Desire'; to escape being married to an Irish prince, she fled to Cologne, but died before arriving there, after one week's sickness. She is patroness against gravel and colic. Useful Saint to name your child after if you are engaged in roadbuilding or suffer from a delicate stomach.

Romana (V). According to the spurious "life" of S. Silvester, she was the daughter of a prefect of Rome. She secretly was baptised and left home to live in a cave with a band of male Christian solitaries at the age of 18. She is an excellent patroness for those contemplating a career in time share sales and diplomacy)

Pharaildis: Patroness of the city of Ghent. Some claim she preserved her virginity in wedlock. Others claim she was maltreated by her husband, Guido, on account of her constant nocturnal visits to churches.

Ronin: An Irish saint, founder of the abbey of Beaulieu in the Argonnes. He is venerated in the British Isles, France, and Belgium.

Roseline (V) Prioress in Provence 1300. She exercised great powers over demons.

Rostang de Capre: Archbishop of Arles. He is noted for holding a reform synod at Isle, in 1288, against simony.

Theobald, (Hermit) Patron of charcoal burners and the city of Provins.

Theophilus Scholasticus (M) Known as "the Lawyer". He claimed that S. Dorothea sent him flowers and fruit from Paradise. His "acts" are considered untrustworthy.

Reference: A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints. Rt Rev F.G. Holweck,

Domestic Prelate to His Holiness Pope Pius XI. 1924 London

Here's a few more, without as much detail.


Aaron, Abel, Adam [Biblical]

Aidan [Irish, 7th-cent. Saint]

Alaric [4th cen, King of Visigoths]

Alban [4th cen. English martyr]

Amory, Amery

Amos [Biblical prophet]

Angus [Scot/Gaelic]

Anselm, Anselme [12th Cen. Saint]

Arno, Arnoux[Fr] [from Old German]


Asa [Biblical]

Aubrey, Albaric [Fr]

August, Auguste, Agosto, Augusto, Augustine, Austin [all variants of the Augustus]

Baird [Scot, Ir.]

Balder/ Baudier, Baldric/Baudric [7th Cen. French religious leader]

Baldwin, Baudoin, Baldovino

Balthasar, Baldassare [It.]

Bardolf/Bardolfus, Bardoul

Barnabas, Barnabe

Barnard, Barret, Baret

Basil, Basilius, Basile, Basilio

Bayard, Baiardo, Berger, Bern

Berthold, Berthoud, Bertoldi

Bertram, Bertrand, Blaine, Blayne, Blane

Blaise, Blasius, Blas

Boniface, Bonifacius, Bonifacio

Bran, Bram [Celt.,Eng.]

Brendan, Brian [Irish, Celt]

Bruce, Bruno [12th C. Saint], Burchard, Burkhart [Ger], Burgaud [Fr]

Cadell [7 cen. Welsh Saint]

Canute [11th Cen King of England/Denmark]

Casimir, Casimiro

Cecil, Cecilius

Chad [7th cen. Eng. Saint]

Carl, Carlo, Karl, Karel [Dut.]

Christian, Chretien, Kristian, Christiano

Christopher, Christophe [Fr], Cristobal [Sp], Cristoforo [It]

Cian [Irish/Gaelic], Claude, Claudius, Claudio

Clement, Clemente, Clementius

Clovis, Clodoveo [Sp], Colman [11th cen. Saint]

Conan [7th Cen Irish St.], Conrad [12th Cen Saint]

Constantin/o, Cornelius, Cornelio

Cosmo, Cosmos [3rd Cen Saint], Cosimo, Cosme [Fr]

Cyprian, Cipriano [3rd cen Saint]

Cyril, Cyrille, Cirillo, Cyrillus

Cyrus, Ciro [Sp]

Eachan [Irish]

Ebenezer [Bib.]

Edbert, Edelmar [Old Eng.]

Edgar, Edmund, Edric, Edsel, Edison, Edwald, Edward, Edwin

Egbert, Elden, Eldon

Eleazar, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Elisha [Hebrew, Biblical]

Ellard, Ellis, Ellison, Elmer

Elmo [Ital]

Elmore, Elsdon, Elston, Elsworth, Elton, Elwell, Elwin

Elwood, Emery/Emmerich/Amerigo

Emmanuel, Emmett, Enoch

Eric, Erland, Erling, Ernest

Erwin, Esmond

Ethan [Heb.]

Eugene, Eustace

Evan [Irish], Everard, Everley, Ewald

Ezekiel, Ezra [Biblical]

Zebulon [Biblical]

Fabian, Fabius, Fabio

Felix, Ferdinand


Fidel, Fidelio, Fidele

Flavius, Fortunatus


Frederic/k,Federigo, Federico

Gabriel, Galen, Gamaliel

Garland, Gariland

Garrett, Garrard, Gerard

Gaspar, Gaspard

Gaston, Gavin, Gawain

George, Georges, Giorgio, Jorge

Gerald, Geraud/Giraud, Giraldo

Gerhard, Gideon, Gilbert

Giles, Gilles

Gladwyn, Gladwin, Goddard, Godard

Godfrey, Gottfried, Geoffrey

Godwin, Goodwin, Godewyn

Grant, Gregory/Gregoire, Gregor

Griffith, Gus, Gustave, Gustavus

Guy, Gyles

Hadwin, Halbert, Hale

Hans, Harbin, Harding, Hardwin, Hardy

Harlan, Harley

Harold, Harald, Herold, Araldo

Harry, Hartman, Harvey, Herve/Hervey

Hector, Ettore [Ital]

Henry, Henri, Enrico, Hendrick, Heinrich, Enrique, Hendrik

Herbert, Hebert, Harbert

Herman, Harmon, Ermin, Armand/o

Herrick, Hilary, Hilarius, Hilaire

Hilliard, Hiram, Hobart

Homer, Horace, Horatio, Horatius

Howard, Hubert

Hugh, Hugo, Hugues, Ugo

Hulbert, Humbert, Humphrey, Onofredo

Hurlbert, Hyman

Ian, Ignatius, Ignace, Ignacio

Immanuel, Ira, Isaac, Ives/Yves

Jack, Jacques

Jacob, Giacopo

James, Jaime, Diego [Sp.], Giacomo [Ital]

Jedediah, Jeffrey, Jeremy, Jeremias

Jerome, Gerome

Jesse, Joel, John/Jean/Johann/Johannes/Juan/Giovanni

Jonas, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua


Justin, Justus

Vladimir, Vincent/e, Valerian

Valentin/e, Valentino

Urban, Urbano, Urbaine, Ulysses

Tobias, Timothy, Timoteo, Timothee

Theodoric, Dietrich, Theobald, Thibaut/Thibaud

Talbot, Talebot

Swayn, Sweyn [11th cen King of Denmark]

Stephen, Esteban, Etienne, Stefan/us, Stefano

Solomon, Salomon, Simon, Simeon

Silvester, Sylvester, Silvestre, Silvestro

Sylvanus, Silvanus, Silvio, Silvano, Silas, Sylvain

Sigmund, Sigismund/o, Siegfried

Serge, Sergius, Sergio

Seger, Sigehere, Seager

Sebastian, Sebastien, Sebastiano

Saer, Sayer [Welsh/Cornish]

Saul, Samuel, Samson, Sanson/e

Sabin, Sabinus

Yves, Ives [13th cent. Saint]

Wynn [Old Welsh]

Wolfgang [german]

Wilfrid, Wilfred [8th cent. Saint]

Wenceslaus [10th cen Saint, King of Bohemia]

Warin, Guarin

Walter, Gautier,Gualtiero, Walther

Waldemar, Valdemar



Abra [Biblical, 'Mother of multitudes']

Adeline [var. of Adele]

Agatha [3rd cen. Saint]

Alberta [3rd cen. Martyr/Saint]

Alexandra, Alexandrine, Alessandra [It], Alejandra [Sp]

Alice, Alicia, Alix

Allegra [It]

Amelia, Amalia, Amelie, Emmeline

Aimee, Amata [Sp, It]


Antonia, Antoinette, Antoinetta

Audrey [7th cen. Saint]

Aurelia, Aurelie [11th cen. French princess]

Beatrice, Beatrix

Benedicta, Benedetta, Benita

Bernadette, Bernadine, Bernita

Bertha, Berthe, Berta

Blasia, Bridget, Brigitte, Brigida

Camille, Camilla, Candide, Carmela, Melina

Carmen, Caroline, Cecilia, Cecile

Charlotte, Carlotta

Chloe, Christine, Christiane, Cristina

Clara, Claudia, Claudette, Claudine

Clotilda, Clothilde [6th cen Saint]

Columba, Columbine, Colombe

Constance, Constanza, Constantina


Eartha, Ebba, Eda, Edina, Edwina

Edith, Edmonda, Edna, Egberta, Eglantine

Elaine [Var. of either Helen or Eleanor]

Eldora [Span.]

Eleanor, Eleanore/a, Leonore, Lenore

Elena, Elfrida, Elizabeth [and all variations]

Ella, Elmira, Eloise

Elsa [Ger.]

Emeraude, Esmerelda [Fr, Span., 'Emerald']

Emily, Emilia, Emilie, Emma


Enrica [It.,Span.]

Erma, Ernestine, Erwina

Estelle, Esther, Ethel

Eudora, Eudocia, Eugenia, Eulalia, Eunice, Euphemia, Eustacia

Eve, Evangeline

Fabia, Faith


Felice, Felicia, Fernanda, Fernandina

Florence, Florentia

Frances, Francesca, Francoise

Frederica, Frederique, Federica

Gabrielle, Gabriela

Gemma, Geneva, Georgia, Georgette, Genevieve

Geraldine, Gertrude

Gillian, Ginevra, Guinevere

Giselle, Gladys, Gloria

Godiva, Grace, Gregoria, Griselda

Hagar, Halfrid, Halfrida

Hannah, Haralda, Harriet

Hazel, Hedwig [Ger.]/Hedvige [Fr.]

Helen, Helene/a, Elena

Helma, Hilma

Heloise, Henriette/a, Henrika, Enriqueta

Hermosa [Sp.]

Hertha, Hester, Hilaria

Hild, Hilde, Hilda, Hildegarde

Hildemar, Hildreth, Holda, Hulda

Honoria, Horatia

Hortense, Hortensia, Huberta

Huette, Huguette


Ida,Ignatia, Inez, Irma

Isabel, Isolde

Jacoba, Jacqueline

Jane, Jeanne, Joan, Juana, Johanna, Giovanna

Jemima, Jeremia, Jocelyn

Josephine, Josepha

Judith, Julia, Juliet/te


Vivian, Vibiana, Vivienne

Virginia, Virginie

Violet, Violette, Viola, Iolanthe

Vincentia, Victoria, Vittoria

Veronica, Valerie, Valeria, Valentina

Ursula, Ursule

Timothea, Thomasa, Thomasine/a

Theresa, Therese, Teresa

Theodosia, Theodora, Teodora


Sylvia, Silvia, Silvana, Silvie

Susanna, Susanne, Stephana, Stephanie

Sophie, Sophia, Simone, Simona

Sybil, Sibyl, Sybilla, Sibylle

Seraphina, Serafina, Seraphine

Sebastiana/e, Sarah

Samuela, Samuelle, Sabina, Sabine

Zoe, Yvonne, Yvette

Yolanda, Yolande

Wilhelmina, Guillemette, Wilhelmine

Here's a list of some Saints' names, most of which are not used in the game, but can be. Some of these saints names do not predate the 14th century; but all of them should be quite usable for the period. Several of them are typically English, but many can be used in whatever foreign variation you happen to speak [ie, Pascal/Pasquale, Roderick/Rodrigo, etc.]

English/Irish names that don't seem to have foreign variations: Boys: Oscar, Fergus, Brendan, Edgar, Brian, Crispin, Godwin Girls: Gladys, Prudence

Others that can probably be adjusted to your particular ethnicity:

Boys: Ambrose, Aubert, Aldo, Abraham, Adrian Basil, Bruno, Barnabas Caspar/er, Clement, Clarence, Casimir, Cornelius, Cyril Darius Emil, Emile, Eustace Francis, Franco, Fabian Gregory/Gregoire, Godfrey, George Hilary/ Hilaire, Isidor/e, Justin, Jeremiah, Joachim/Joaquin, Julian Leo, Leopold, Laurence, Lucian/Lucien Malachi, Matthias/Matthew, Milo, Martin Pascal/Pasquale, Roderick/Rodrigo, Rupert Salvator/e, Zachary/Zachariah/Zacharie

Girls: Adelaide, Augusta, Aurelie/Aurelia, Ada, Adele/Adela, Agnes, Anglea Bertilia/Bertilla, Camille/Camilla, Calliope, Cecile/Cecilia Eve, Delphine/Delphina, Eugenie/Eugenia, Emma, Eulalie, Emilia/Emiliana Genevieve, Gwendolyn, Flora, Flavia, Honorata Lucida, Julia, Justine, Lucille/Lucilla, Lydia Martine/Martina, Monica, Natalie/Natalia, Mathilde/Mathilda Priscilla, Stephane/Stephanie Veronica, Winifred, Valeria/Valerie, Theresa/Therese, Tatiana, Yvette
