
If your NPC is captured, or if you capture an NPC, the Captives Menu is used to Examine, Execute, Interrogate, or Free the Captive. When Interrogated (put to The Question) an NPC may confess who he/she works for or may die first.

If you have captives, you have the option, in the Dirty Deeds menu, of freeing them all or dropping them all off someplace with the "Remove all Captives as Travelling Companions". This leaves all your captives in whichever fief you are in. They are still captives, but subject to being liberated if someone else captures that fief. You will see the ransom for a PC you hold captive when you look at them on this display.

Captured List

ID Name Locat Comp

1. 578 Edward Courteney EDV08 YES

2. 773 Anne Courteney EDV08 YES

Last Page

Choose Character 1 to 2, Advanced Commands <A E F G K R S> Followed By #,

F<I>nd NPC, <Z> To Redisplay, or <ENTER> TO Quit:

Current Character: 578 Edward Courteney

1. Interro<G>ate\Torture Character

2. <F>ree Captive

3. <K>ill Captive

4. <E>xamine Captive

5. <A>dd To Traveling Companions

6. <R>emove As Traveling Companion

7. Tran<S>fer Captive

7. <ENTER> To Quit

Enter #
