
Every character in the game has these. They are:

Management: Your skill at managing and, as such, the most important skill you possess. If you have a 7-9 in this area, you are in good shape. The same is true for any NPCs in your service.

Guile: Your ability to deal with people, also the skill at knowing your own capabilities and those of others. Very important for getting an accurate reading on who can do what to whom.

Leadership: Almost as important as Management, but more useful in combat, hunting and the like.

Protection: Ability to defend yourself in combat. As an aristocrat, you can afford excellent personal armor and, if you're smart, you surround yourself with a lot of tough NPCs for protection.

Endurance: A useful skill for arduous activities: combat, hunting, traveling.

Attack Value: Your ability to inflict damage in combat. Also useful in tournaments.

Stature: How well thought of you are, stature is more a matter of respect than fear. You get a basic rating according to your feudal rank and gain more just by getting older. You can also gain or lose some each season because of your actions, or inaction, as the case may be. Getting outlawed, excommunicated or simply being a woman will reduce your stature quite a bit. Pillaging, raiding and killing nobles, women or children will also decrease your stature. Winning battles increases stature, as does getting blessed by the pope and other good works.
