A good bailiff is one that increases loyalty and reduces graft. Guidelines for finding such a fellow are:

The four main abilities; Management, Guile, Leadership, and Stature must total at least 24.

Management should be at least 5.

Loyalty should be at least 3. Loyalty has an effect on an NPC doing its duty effectively. Moreover, if an NPC is hired away by another player, you will not be told who the player was unless the stolen NPC had a loyalty of 7 or higher.

There should not be more than 1 bad skill (Lust, Envy, Epicure, Drunkenness, Gluttony, Generosity, Treason, Sloth, etc.) higher than 3. Good skills such as Bailiff Supreme, Accountancy, Miser, Merchant, Bargainer, Charm etc. count for a lot.
