Household Affairs

Selecting the Household Affairs option will display the following screen. This lists each of the NPCs associated with your household, in numerical order by their ID number, be they family or hirelings. The Fnct column shows which are family and which are hired help. Comp indicates whether or not the NPC is assigned as your constant traveling companion or left on their own in a Fief.

Family and NPCs In Thy Service

ID Fnct Name Location Companion
1. 782 Son Louis de Bourgogne FNE07 NO
2. 3377 NPC Henry Duren FVA03 YES

Last Page

Choose NPC 1 to 2 , Advanced Commands <A B C D E F G L M O R S U> Followed By #,

F<I>nd NPC, <Z> To Redisplay, <?> for Help, or <ENTER> TO Quit: ?

The list of family members and NPCs in your employ comprises your "household". Each has a number to the left and if you want to do something with one of these characters, just enter that number, which will take you to a more detailed display.

Selecting a line number here will bring up a menu of things you can do with your NPCs. Note, again, the letters in brackets used as advanced commands on the previous screen. Three important things to note on this menu are the options for Pregnancy Attempts, the Court Persona and the Army Leader.

Pregnancy Attempts You can start having grandchildren as soon as your kids are marrying age.

Court Persona With the Court Persona you can assume the identity of one of your NPCs in the Interactive Court. This is for tournaments where you may not want to risk your own Noble neck at Fencing.

Army Leader The Army Leader is an NPC you choose to lead your armies in your stead. Many Nobles have, shall we say, unimpressive skills in Combat; Female PCs and Males under the age of 14 are not permitted to lead an Army on their own. The Leader Option lets them take to the field in Wartime.

NPCs and Clever Tricks
