Interactive Court

The Interactive Court (or IC) is basically a chat area in each game, but with some enhancements have been made to accommodate the Games Play. For example, this is where fencing duels occur and an Interactive version of the Gluckshaus game. It really has to be experienced to be appreciated. Below are the commands available in the IC.

Welcome To The HYW Interactive Great Hall Ver. 0.60

1 Attending

Typing /Help once you get there will provide the on line instructions for the IC activities. They are repeated here for your convenience, with added comments explaining them;

The available general actions are (you only have to use the for "/XX" where "XX" is the first two letters of the command):

/ATtending - see who is present in the great hall. Shows a "job number" (used to do things to other IC attendees or send them private messages,) as well as First Name, Organization, Nationality.

/ACcept # - accept duel challenge. You then begin using the Duel commands.

/BEt # amt - bet on duel or joust. The winners split the total amount bet in proportion to how much they bet.

/CHallenge # - challenge another to a duel. They must accept for their to be a duel.

/CStatus # - show status of anyone in the IC. Use Job Number (#).

/CUrrent - show current health and endurance of yourself

/Deed - perform an action. Type in /DE MESSAGE. "MESSAGE" is anything, and then watch what happens.

/ENter - enter Gluckshaus game

/Fist # - throw at punch someone (brawling). Will cause a reduction in the victims Endurance depending on how high your brawling value is.

/HElp - see this list

/HElp Duel - see dueling actions

/HElp Gluck - see Gluckshaus actions

/HIde - hide from brawls. While hidden, you cannot hit anyone else, or be hit.

/LEave - exit the great hall. Takes you back to the HYW main menu.

/LIst - list those outside the great hall (players in the HYW game, but not in the IC).

/LOan # amt - loan another player cash

/Knee # - knee someone in the groin (ouch). Similar to /FIst.

/Mug # - hit someone with a mug. Similar to /FIst.

/PAge id msg - send a message to someone not in court

/PUrse - check your purse

/REject - reject a duel challenge

/Quaff - quaff an ale. Too many of these and your messages get confused. Eventually you pass out and do an automatic /LE. That sobers you up so you can return. You can drink half of your endurance (the number of Quaffs equal to half the value of your endurance) with out having an effect.

/SHOut - do it and see

/Throw # - throw a chair at someone. Similar to /FIst.

/Unhide - come out of hiding

/WHisper # - whisper in a player's ear (uses job number). Only the person you are whispering to sees the message.
