Money and Ducats

The unit of money we use in the game is the "ducat ." In the game displays, the amounts are usually expressed in thousands of ducats (the KDucat). The relationship of the ducat to the various 14th century coinages is;

English pound                               600 ducats                                  
English shilling                            50 ducats                                   
English penny                               2.5 ducats                                  
English mark Crown                          125 ducats                                  
English Crown                               120 ducats                                  
English groat                               10 ducats                                   
livre tournois                              133 ducats                                  
livre parisi                                75 ducats                                   
livre bordelaise                            50 ducats                                   
Venetian lira                               100 ducats                                  
Florentine florin                           300 ducats                                  
Castillian real                             5.7 ducats                                  
Dollar (US-1990s)                           1 ducat
