Official Acts

Official Acts Menu

1. <Pr>ovince Management

2. <Pa>pal Management

3. <K>ing Management (French and English)

4. <F>rench Parlement

5. <E>nglish Parliment

6. <H>eralds

7. <O>nline Messages

The 5th option on the Main Game Menu is Official Acts. This menu is mainly for the use of the Overlords, Kings and the Pope. If any of your Fiefs show you as Overlord as well as Owner you have a little extra Authority in the Game as one of the Higher Ranking Nobles. One of the privileges of this Rank is the Ability to set an Overlord Tax here in the Official Acts Menu. This Tax will affect all the Fiefs in the Province you control, not just the ones you own.

Setting for Overlord Taxes are accessed via option 1

Options 2, 3 and 6 are accessible only by the respective players and heralds.

Options 4 and 5 allow access to the respective government parlements. Only landholders in the respective countries can access these menu options. The other activity on this menu is voting on proposals before the Parliaments of either country. Only the King can enter Parliamentary Proposals with one exception: Any Noble can enter the Proposal to depose their own King. A little backroom dealing may be in order before you do so, however. I doubt the King would be pleased.

English Parliament Menu

1. <E>nter Proposal To Remove King

2. <V>ote On Proposals

999. Move To Main HYW Menu
