Playing Small (low cost play)

HYW was designed to allow players to enjoy the game, and still be competitive, without spending a lot of money. Most other online games require a player to spend several hundred dollars a month to stay competitive. We have designed HYW so you can be an active and competitive player by spending much less. This is called "Playing Small." Although HYW is now flat rate, you still run into time constraints. So these techniques are still useful. There are several techniques you must use to make Playing Small work.

1-Read the docs before you start playing. Many players prefer to just wander around in the game, learning while doing so by trial and error. This may be entertaining, but it's expensive at three bucks an hour.

2-You don't have to tweak your fief settings every season. Once a year is usually sufficient.

3-Rather than wandering around looking for good bailiffs, arrange to "buy" one from another player. This will cost you ducats, but save you dollars.

4-Stay out of the Interactive Court (it's addictive) and similar activities (like gambling, hunting and the like). These activities are enjoyable and are of some help in improving your position (diplomatically, at least).

5-Use an offline reader if possible.

6-Emphasize diplomacy and loyalty in your play. Let your king and Heralds know you are playing small. But also let the king know that you will turn out when the need arises (that's what Medieval feudalism was all about.) The fighting only gets hot and heavy once or twice a month and this is when your king will really need you. Show up when your king needs you and he will listen to your pleas when you need help from some other rapacious noble .

If you're lucky (don't get dragged into some local feud) you can keep the time required to play for a month down to 5-10 hours. If you're not so lucky, you may have to spend about 10-15 hours.
