Family Matters

The Family Matters option on the Main Game Menu is closely related to the Household affairs option on that menu. In the Family Matters menu you can try to sire those children and arrange marriages for them with other Nobles. Attempting to get your spouse pregnant isn't as much fun as in real life, but computer games have their limits.

The Family Matters Menu

1. <P>ropose Marriage
2. <Ac>cept Marriage Proposal
3. <G>et Wife With Child
4. <D>ivorce
5. <R>emove All NPCs From Traveling Companionship
6. <Ad>d All NPCs In Fief To Traveling Companionship
7. <S>witch PC With Spouse
8. Appoint <O>utside Training Organization For PC
9. <E>nter Keep
10. <?> for Help
