Examine a Fief

Individual Fief Menu

When you go to look at a fief you own, you get this screen, which allows you to manage your fief as well as examine it. If the fief you are examining is owned by some one else, you get the Examine Fief Screen. You can click on any line to get the description of that line.

Fall Of 1341 23.0 Days Left

Current Fief EKE06 Romney

Loyalty 9.0 Surplus 1049.00 Treasury Balance 0 Status Calm

Bailiff ID 5138

Auto Transfer Flag Is Off, Surplus Will Not Be Transferred To Purse

Personal Purse 9864.00

1. <E>xamine Fief

2. <Se>t Self As Bailiff

3. <C>hoose NPC As Bailiff

4. <R>emove NPC As Bailiff

5. <Tr>easury To Purse Transfer

6. <P>urse To Treasury Transfer

7. <Ap>point Manager

8. <F>ire A Manager

9. <Q>uell Rebellion

10. <ENTER> To Quit

Enter #

Most of the Menu Items here are self-explanatory ways to manage your Fief; the option to Choose NPC as (B)ailiff would bring up a new menu listing the NPCs in your company but as it is similar to the list displayed by the Household Affairs Menu we'll save a detailed examination for that.
