Fief Management Menu

This menu shows your fiefs, if you own any, and gives you the option to go to the Examine Fief Menu to change income and expense items.

            Fief ID     Fief        Trsry       Kp Lvl      Surp        Llty     Bail        Mngr        Status      

1.          EKE06       Romney      0           27.61       1049        9.0         5138        0           Calm
2.          ESR01       Croydon     0           15.61       160         1.3         3261        262         Unrest      
3.          ESX03       Pulborough  0           15.56       347         4.1         3499        0           Calm        
4.          EYS04       Whitby      0           20.22       567         8.8         3325        262         Calm

(Click on the highlighted codes to see their definitions)

Choose Fief 1 to 4, Advanced Commands <B E F L M Q R S> Followed By #,<P>revious Page, <T>op Page, <Z> To Redisplay, or <ENTER> TO Quit: 1

By choosing the line number of one of the Fiefs above you are presented with more information about the fief, as well as certain options to control it. Note the letters in brackets on this menu. These are the ADVANCED COMMANDS. If, for example, you had entered E1 previously you would have moved directly to the (E)xamine Fief screen, bypassing this one. The ADVANCED COMMANDS are a great time saver once you are used to them.

Advanced Commands Explained

B Choose NPC As Bailiff
E Examine Fief
F Fire A Manager

L Lock Out Menu
M Appoint Manager
Q Quell Rebellion
R Remove NPC As Bailiff
S Set Self As Bailiff

If you select a fief by typing its number  in the fief management menu, the following is displayed:

Spring Of 1377 90.0 Days Left

Current Fief FSA03 Pons
Llty 6.01 Srpls 7.58 Trsry 0.00 Stat Calm
Ancestral Owner 222
Bailiff ID Auto Mode

Personal Purse 108736.54

1. <E>xamine Fief
2. <S>et Self As Bailiff
3. Choose NPC As <B>ailiff
4. <R>emove NPC As Bailiff
5. <T>reasury To Purse Transfer
6. <P>urse To Treasury Transfer
7. Appoint <M>anager
8. <F>ire A Manager, or Quit as Manager
9. <Q>uell Rebellion
10. <L>ocking Utilities For Keep
11. Tr<A>nsfer Fief To Another Player
12. <?> for Help
13. <ENTER> To Quit
