Personal Characteristics

Winter Of 1364 90.0 Days Left

Personal Purse 1391.29

Current Location is EEX02 Colchester

Current Health 7 Maximum Health 7

Management 1 Guile 2 Leadership 4 Stature 4

Protection 9 Endurance 6 Attack Value 9

Tournament 5 Sire ID 0 Org ID 262

You are Jean Holland Your ID is 262 Your age is 54

You are married to Marguerite Ferrers.

Sex m You Speak E2 Nationality English

Wife is Pregnant

Court Persona Is 398

Avarice                 9                       Berserker               6                       

Clerical Charm          3                       Impetuous               3                       

Lust                    6                       Merchant                5                       

Situational             6                       Speed                   2                       
Awareness Tournament Junky 2

See Titles (Y or N)? Y

                        Fief ID                 Fief Name               Rank                    

1.                      EKE06                   Romney                  15 Baron                

2.                      ESR01                   Croydon                 15 Baron                

3.                      ESX03                   Pulborough              15 Baron                

4.                      EYS04                   Whitby                  17 Lord

This is who I am now, for better or for worse. Health is placed at the top because it is of top priority; don't forget that you can, and in time will, die in this game. While chances are greater of you being struck down in battle, disease can sneak up on you if you don't watch your health.

The eight characteristics listed below that are the basis of every character in the Game, both Player and NPC . The values are all on a scale of 9, with 1 being the lowest and 9 the highest. This character is not worth much as a Bailiff due to his low Management value, but He's a great general with Attack and Protection values both at 9!

The nine other Skills listed at the bottom of the menu vary for each Character. All will have between three and ten Skills. The value of these Skills and how they modify the effects of your actions in the Game is thoroughly explained in the help document, Skills

Also listed here is your spouse's name (nice to know) and whether or not you/she is pregnant. This is listed right beside your age to encourage you to beget heirs.
