
Stature is one of the more important personal characteristics in the game, particularly if you are a king or magnate (as taxes collected depend on stature). Most calculations in the game use stature. Stature is just that, what your peers (and many of the common folk) think of you. It is your reputation in 14th century terms. Some things increase stature, others lower it. Stature can be no higher than 9, and no lower than 0. Your "base stature" is determined by your noble rank and age. A list of the ranks is found in The Aristocracy . The rank used is the highest of the several noble titles you can hold. Next comes age, as you get older, your base stature increases.

Base Stature is calculated by rank and age as follows;

Rank Stature
1-3 (Popes and Kings) 6
4-7 (Prince-Bishops and Dukes) 5
8-9 (Princes) 4
10-12 (Marquis and Counts) 3
13-15 (Viscount and Barons) 2
16-17 (just about everyone else) 1

Gender and Age effects

If female -6
Age Base
61+ 5.0
51-60 4.0
41-50 3.0
31-40 2.0
21-30 1.0
11-20 0.5
Under 10 0.0

Actions in the game modify your stature. Note that not all of the items listed below have been implemented. (* means not implemented yet.)

Stature Modifiers Modification

Official of the Kings Court 2.0
Go on Crusade 2.0
Host Imperial Tournament 1.0
Make Pilgrimage 1.0
Win battle (per 10k opponents) 0.8
Win Imperial Tournament 0.5
Win duel against champion 0.5
Win duel 0.2
Negotiate capture of fief (per 10k pop) 0.2
Unhorse opponent at tournament 0.1
Storm fief and win (per 10k population) 0.1
Cast out daughter -0.1
Fief rebels -0.1
Raid fief (same language) -0.1
Unhorsed at Tournament -0.1
Storm fief and lose (per 10k population) -0.2
Pillage fief (same language) -0.2
Captured in battle -0.2
Lose duel -0.2
Use champion to win duel -0.3
Cast out son -0.3
Discovered using kidnapper -0.3
Refuse battle against superior opponent -0.3
Refuse duel -0.5
Lose battle (per 10k opponents) -0.5
Discovered using Assassin -0.5
Execute female NPC -2.0
Admitted cuckold -3.0
Execute player character without trial -3.0
Execute NPC under age 14 -3.0
Torture player character -4.0
Excommunicated -5.0 -.2 loy per fief per season
Declared outlaw -5.0 -.2 loy per fief per season
Refuse Duel of Honor (to death) -5.0

When your daughters, granddaughters, etc. marry up you will receive .4 stature increase for every point they marry up. So lets say you have a rank of 12 and you marry your daughter into a family that has a rank of 8 you would get a 1.6 stature increase.

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