Travel Menu

Spring Of 1366 90.0 Days Left

-------7-Northwest-------- -------9-Northeast--------

- EKE04 Maidstone 1.2- - EKE03 Canterbury 1.2-

----------4-West---------- Current Fief ----------6-East----------

- ESX01 Hastings 3.6- & EKE06 Romney -& EKE05 Dover 1.2-

-------1-Southwest-------- -------3-Southeast--------

------------sea----------- ------------sea-----------

You Are In The Keep No Army Present In Fief

Choose Number Of Direction You Wish To Move, or

2. <Ex>amine Fief 5. <V>isit Court and Enter Keep

8. <Po>rt Movement 10. <A>rmies in Fief (Examine/Attack)

11. <En>ter Keep/Exit Keep 12. <D>irty Deeds

13. <L>ist Those Outside Keep 14. <Pi>llage/Raid

15. <F>ief Management 16. <Si>ege

17. Army <M>anagement 18. <O>nline Messages

19. <H>ousehold Affairs 20. <B>rigand Combat

21. Visit <T>avern 22. <?> for Help

Enter #, <Q>uick Move , <C>amp , Toggle E<X>pert Mode , or <ENTER> To Exit:

You can also send online messages from this menu by entering the SM command. You will then be asked for a player ID number. Enter the player ID and then your message. You can also enter the command as SM###, where ### is the player ID.

The Game map is laid out in a six sided pattern, familiar to many board game players. Only the fief you are in (in the center) and the six fiefs surrounding it are displayed at one time. There is also an Expert Mode which contains only the vital information available. This mode is much faster to refresh each time you move and is a great time saver.
